Construx ERP uses document imaging and wireless connectivity to provide you access to the resources of a whole accounting department in addition to managing spending and keeping tabs on cash flow.

360 degrees view of your financial activities

Every other department has a direct connection to the accounting system, which automatically shares all financial activities to help you keep an eye on your bottom line.

Increase your profitability

Your accounting staff may analyse expenses strategically and boost your profitability with comprehensive tracking and reporting capabilities.

Put checks & balances to prevent mistakes

Your teams will know precisely what is expected of them at every stage of the project by developing good processes and integrating them into the software.

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Utilises the AP function to manage your company's expenses effectively while saving you time and money. This function sets up your vendors and transactions, creates reports on your purchase history, keeps track of your installment and payment schedules, and proposes early payment choices that save you money overall.


Instant access to all of your client activities, including total transactions, payment history, available credit, and invoice processing and status, is provided via the AR function. You may maximise your bottom line by anticipating client behaviour with the help of drill down skills.

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LIMS For Manufacturing


The General Ledger offers sophisticated features that are exclusive to the top systems and were created to satisfy the requirements of today's proactive, growth-oriented businesses. The General Ledger gives a full, verifiable financial history for auditing and analysis since it can retain a limitless amount of data. It gathers and presents data from many sources to serve as a foundation for subsequent accounting processes.


You can easily, effectively, and reliably take charge of your billing process with the help of our billing tool. It is very customisable and offers infinite ship-to addresses for each client in addition to letting you specify the billing cycle. Weight and packing fees, as well as freight charges, may be computed and presented automatically on each invoice. You may always view all of your previous invoices using the Automated Sales Tax function, which computes sales tax using the most recent tax tables.

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You need a management tool to monitor work profitability closely in today's competitive market with its constricting profit margins. You may track cost and revenue statistics for each task or project in great detail with the task Cost function. The entire procedure is streamlined by strong features that are built in. Prepare a proposal by estimating expenses, keep track of the status of your bid proposals and projects with up-to-the-minute status reports, and once a proposal is approved, transfer estimate data quickly to create budgets for the new work. Analyse actual and budgeted expenses after the project is underway to allow for modifications that will preserve profitability.


The General Ledger's financial data must be reported using the Financial Report Writer. The FRW allows customers control over their financial reports since every report may be fully customised to satisfy the organization's unique reporting needs. The FRW allows for the development of all necessary financial reports for internal management and external reporting requirements. Different levels of information, reporting intervals, and types of data will be needed depending on the audiences. It is simple to reply to any user's reporting needs thanks to the FRW. The feature includes a variety of sample reports that may be used as a template for new reports or as a starting point for new reports to be created.

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All assets and serialised objects in an organisation may be tracked in great detail with this capability. Asset Management's seamless connection with other components of the programme is what gives it its actual strength and advantage. In the distribution channel, the system will automatically generate an asset in the tracking system and provide its location, serial number, and receipt date when you get a purchase order for a serialised item. The asset's owner and location are changed immediately if it is sold to a customer, and all work done on it is logged thanks to connectivity with the Work Order.


By simplifying organisation, keeping current fixed-asset records, maximising your tax deductions, and producing current reports as needed, this user-friendly, feature-rich depreciation programme can save you hours. The programme allows for an infinite number of businesses and assets, applies tax laws simultaneously, and computes depreciation for book, federal tax, AMT, and state taxes. It supports MACRS conventions for the half-year, mid-quarter, and mid-month, and it manages acquisitions and disposals all year long.

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Companies can correctly manage and balance all cash transactions on a daily, if not hourly, basis with the help of the bank reconciliation tool. The programme gives you all the information you need to make better cash flow choices and has the capacity to manage an unlimited number of accounts, which is a vital component of your organisation. No further journal entries are required for transactions put into the Bank Reconciliation function since they are automatically posted to the General Ledger. This functionality automatically posts any transactions, deposits, and checks submitted in other modules. It simplifies the work of your accounting staff and reduces their effort by hours each week.


The EDI (Electronic data interchange)Integration function facilitates the exchange of corporate data and electronic documents across computer systems. For EDI usage, it provides a variety of prewritten papers.

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You can quickly create your compensation programmes and apply them to your salespeople with the help of our all-inclusive commission management tool. Commissions may be computed based on orders placed, goods supplied, or money received. Automatically accounting for split commissions, discount off list affects, blanket commissions, minimums and maximums, and other advanced capabilities not seen in other packages are just a few examples. The Commission Calculator lets you make manual modifications and keeps track of the justifications for such adjustments. The Commission Manager provides one of the quickest and best returns on investments since it saves endless hours of manual commission tracking and calculation.


Your sales tax concerns are handled by the Sales Tax Automation (STA). When a shipping location is created, its precise sales tax rate is updated. Even the most complex locations can be accommodated by the tax table record's nine levels of information. Your rates are current and correct since the sales tax files are updated on a monthly basis. Sales tax reports can be generated on an accrual basis or a cash receipt basis, taking only a few seconds as opposed to days. With the Sales Tax Automation option, you can stop worrying about paying sales tax each month.

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