To be able to use your material resources effectively, you have to know what you've got available, how much of it, and where it's located. Construx ERP streamlines this entire process and arms you with a system 100% accurate

100% accurate inventory

Be confident that you always have the latest and most accurate information on every aspect of your inventory, always available at your fingertips.

Wireless system to work faster

By using scanners to collect data instantly during receiving, put-away, picking, and packing, your warehouse employees increase their productivity.

Put checks & balances to prevent mistakes

By implementing sound processes and imbedding them into the software, your teams will know exactly what is expected from them every step of the project.

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Construx ERP developed a scalable inventory and item management solution that allows you to track numbers, costs, prices, transaction histories, locations, and more for materials on-hand; it lets you handle an unlimited number of warehouses and allows for access to specific information on an individual item, which can also be printed on purchasing and sales paperwork.


This feature allows you to maintain dual units of measurement for specific items, automatically calculating the precise weight and/or quantity of materials to ensure accurate costing throughout the development process. For example, metal coils are usually purchased by the hundred weight, but tracked and used by the foot. In this example, the system maintains the cost/foot for each item in inventory. When you relieve 500 feet of material, the system also relieves the appropriate hundred weight for that coil.

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LIMS For Manufacturing


Simplify and improve the way you manage your inventorythrough the use of scanner technology, which instantly collects data during receiving, put-away, picking, and packing. Every time the status of an item changes, your employees scan it and update it in real-time, allowing your entire warehouse to work with live information 24/7. The WMS is a key element to increase productivity and reduce errors in any warehouse.


The use of bins allows more traceability and precise location accuracy within the warehouse. Synchronization between scanners and your storage bins allows your teams to quickly and efficienty store, find, and manage your entire inventory

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A lot number is an identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer. Our Lot/Serial feature allows you to track, purchase, sell, and use items based on lots and heats.


The Certificate of Analysis module allows the user to track and utilize standard data for item lots including synonyms, formulas, CAS no, Packaging, Molecular, and Appearance details.

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Material requisition features in Construx ERP allow project teams to request materials as needed for specific tasks. Additionally, ERP systems support material reconciliation, helping to verify actual usage against planned usage, thereby identifying any discrepancies or potential wastage.


Construx ERPs may include quality control features to track material certifications, test results, and compliance with industry standards. This helps in maintaining the quality of materials used in construction projects.

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