Machine Management

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Machine Management

Machine management is a crucial aspect of construction enterprise resource planning systems. In the construction industry, managing various types of machinery and equipment efficiently is essential for successful project execution. Construx ERP provide a comprehensive suite of tools and modules to streamline machine management processes.By integrating with asset tracking systems, ERP can capture real-time data on machine locations, usage, and maintenance history. This information enables construction companies to effectively allocate machinery to different projects, optimize utilization rates, and minimize downtime.These systems can generate automated maintenance alerts based on predefined schedules or equipment usage thresholds. By implementing preventive maintenance practices, construction companies can reduce the risk of equipment failure and unplanned downtime, thus improving overall productivity.


  • Managing complex production recipes
  • Monitoring the raw material
  • Integrated supply chain management
  • Flexibility in production process
  • Managing product formula changes
  • Managing traceability of products and raw materials
  • Ensure minimal waste during production
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